Hi, I’m Jess.

I am a clinical nutritionist and northern beaches local. Having grown up with a love of food and an outdoor lifestyle it is no surprise I embrace an integrated approach to health and wellbeing.

I am passionate about using ‘food as medicine’ and educating clients on how to implement the key pillars of health into their daily lives in a simple and manageable way.

Having spent over a decade in the fast paced media industry, I was drawn to nutritional medicine through my own personal health struggles with burnout and poor digestive health.

I understand the challenges my clients face when trying to juggle it all because I have this person. Sometimes the juggle becomes too much and we need some individualised support to help us get back on track! I understand these struggles and I know there is a happier, healthier and pain free way to live.

As a nutritionist, my mission is to empower you to take charge of your health and wellbeing in a holistic and integrated manner. I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

My approach uses practical, evidence-based strategies combined with clinical expertise. I have an integrated approach to treatment which includes functional testing, pathology and in-depth clinical case taking in order to help me uncover the root cause of your health condition(s).

I focus on whole foods, lifestyle advice and supplementation to bring the body back into balance and support the healing process.

Holistic nutrition is more than just about what you eat. It encompasses how you approach food, the rituals and routines around eating, social connection, sleep, movement, stress management and an array of lifestyle strategies. It's about finding joy in nourishing your body and mind in a way that is sustainable for you long term.

So, whether you're struggling with fatigue, gut issues, low mood, or the wheels have simply started to fall off after years of ongoing stress, I will work closely with you to develop an individualised treatment plan that suits your unique needs and health goals.

I look forward to hearing from you and helping you discover a happier, healthier way to live.


  • Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine

  • 50hr Yin Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training

  • First Aid & CPR Certificate

  • Working With Children Check Cert (WCCC)

  • Registered member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS # 50731)

  • Health fund rebates may be available depending on your health fund and coverage. Please speak to your health fund provider.

Accredited ATMS Practitioner